domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

The Best Lego Builds of the Yea

The Best Lego Builds of the Year
We've seen some remarkable and imaginative projects this year employing the iconic blocks, here are a few of our favorites.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year1. In Soviet Russia, Lego Can't Even Make Its Own Products Right For Its Ads
This is one of the best series of adverts I've ever clapped eyes on. Last month, Lego Russia released a series of ads showing some of its popular sets made up to be, well, not what they're meant to be.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year2. The Lego Master Chief Helmet You Can Actually Wear
There is no limit to the wondrous nature of the Lego brick, as Ben Caulkins shows today: Behold, Master Chief's helmet made of Lego. It doesn't only look perfect, but you can actually wear it.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year3. Lego ML-Explorer 01 Not Practical, But Beautiful
I can't see NASA clamoring to get this Lego design onto the Moon or Mars anytime soon, but man is it neat to look at when it gyrates across that glass table.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year4. Lego, For the Love of the Brick Gods, MAKE THIS RC TANK
This Metal Slug-inspired tank is one of the nicest Lego constructions and RC toys I've ever seen. But what puts this in another league is how the builder-Peer Kreuger-used Lego RC camera cars to shoot this video.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year5. Largest Lego Ship Ever Built Is Bigger Than Three Queen-Sized Beds
The 23-foot-long Lego USS Intrepid aircraft carrier should be renamed the USS Insane. It's the largest Lego ship ever built. Ed Diment made it to minifig scale, complete with Wildcat and Corsair airplanes built by Ralph Savelsberg.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year6. The Imperial Space Invaders
These are not what you would expect. Look closer and see.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year7. Marvel at Futurama's New New York in Lego
While he was waiting for Futurama to get back, the great Pepa Quin spent more than two years building New New York in Lego, complete with Planet Express, Robot Arms Apts. Applied Cryogenics, Madison Cube Garden, and even the sewers!

The Best Lego Builds of the Year8. First Walking Lego Mecha Is Looking for Lego Godzilla
Lego biped robots are a dime a dozen, even while some look pretty sweet. This one is special: It's the first walking Lego robot. And, unlike your usual feet-dragging toy robots, it actually walks by raising its feet.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year9. Exclusive: The New Gigantic Lego Imperial Shuttle
Every year Lego gives us a huge multi-thousand piece Star Wars model, like the 5,195-brick Millennium Falcon or the 3,800-brick Death Star. Now it's the turn for an all-time favorite of mine: The 2,504-piece Lambda-Class Imperial Shuttle.

The Best Lego Builds of the Year10. The Amazing LEGO Factory Builds By Itself Just Fine, Thank You
Five Mindstorms computers, four-and-a-half months of planning, 25,000 elements, and a warehouse of over 90 different bricks make this LEGO Factory Project (2.0) the last LEGO thing that ever needs be built. Just download plans from LDD and go.
By: Gizmodo

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